I don't disagree with the merits of tertiary education at all, however I did leave with the foul-tasting impression that it was too fucking easy, that it is simply the preserve of aimless wealthy kids looking to dodge "real-life" for another few years. I'm talking about the arts faculty specifically here.
Anyway, if a kid can't learn to spell, that kid is a fucking moron. Everyone makes spelling mistakes, I very seldom see perfect grammar in anything that hasn't been conscientiously edited. But for fucks sake try. Or is that for fuck's sake?
I liked this bit:
"Professor Wells also said it was time to dispel the idea that correct spelling was a mark of being educated."
Its also appears that the time has come to dispel the idea that the title "Professor" is a 'mark of being educated'. Cunt.
'It seems highly likely that one of the reasons Britain and other Englishspeaking* countries have problems with literacy is because of our spelling and the burden it places on children."
Britain has a problem with literacy because children here are allowed to be stupid as a result of people like this going around saying that learning something so basic as SPELLING is a "burden". And kids here ARE stupid, observe:

And finally:

Oh I don't know...you're all illiterate...?
*I reckon this should be hyphenated .